The process of creating and developing of the Dharma Center
Sa-Aad-Jitt Buddhist Retreat Center
July 02, 2015
From that day until today, meaning sacrifice, perseverance with determination to achieve the ambition of the Dharma for peace and quietness until reaching the Nirvana…..Click
The history of the Dharma Center
Sa-Aad-Jitt Buddhist Retreat Center
November 30, 2016
Dr. Birasak Worasuntharosos has mentioned the history of the Dharma Center, which is a return to the grace of his mother.....Click
Anandabodhi tree
Sa-Aad-Jitt Buddhist Retreat Center
November 04, 2017
Dr. Birasak Worasuntharosos has mentioned the history of the Anandabodhi tree and donated this holy Bodhi tree from Sa-Aad-Jitt Buddhist Retreat Center to Somdej Ong Pathom Buddha Park at Laokhwan district in Kanchanaburi province.
The Anandabodhi tree is other holy Bodhi trees which have a great significance in the history of Buddhism at Sravasti in Jetavana monastery.....Click
Merit ceremony
Sa-Aad-Jitt Buddhist Retreat Center
March 03, 2019
Merit ceremony on Sunday 3 March 2019 at 09.00 hrs. at Sa-Aad-Jitt Buddhist Retreat Center to create a new bathroom for Phuritatta Dharma Practice Center, Duk Uung Subdistrict, Nong E District, Roi Et Province By Khun Mae Chantha Ruekyam.....Click

Sa-Aad-Jitt Buddhist Retreat Center by
Dr. Birasak Worasuntharosos invited people to attend the lecture. "Buddhist Science" and the Dharma talk with
Pra Dr.Rungruang Prapasaro.
On Saturday, November 4, 2017, at 10.00 am.
The Convergence of Buddhism and Science
by Pra Dr.Rungruang Prapasaro
Before the time of the Lord Buddha, when human beings experienced various phenomena that could not be explained.
It is believed that all phenomena arise from the inspiration of the sacred. As we call it, some ghosts, angels and gods.
The Lord Buddha enlightened the fact that all the phenomena occurring in nature are based on the factors that exist in nature and calls this principle "The Dependent Origination" which is the rule of nature.
It is a study of nature by considering factors in principle in fact, in the same way as scientific principles. So it can be said. "Buddhist Science" is the first in the world with the enlightenment of the Lord Buddha himself.

Iddhipada 4
(Four Successful Paths)
Lecture on the topic "Iddhipada 4 (Four Successful Paths)"
by Phra Arjarn Along-Kod Tikkapanyo
at Sa-Aad-Jitt Buddhist Retreat Center
on May 23, 2017

Lecture on the topic "The Benefits of Meditation"
by Dr. Birasak Worasuntharosos
at Wat Ratchaphatikaram Worawihan on May 5, 2018